Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


On this page, we have tried to answer some frequently asked questions about SEND. The full SEND policy can be found by clicking here.

Further detailed information can be found in our SEND Information Report.

What kinds of special educational needs does the school make provision for?

Shooters Grove has an ethos of inclusive schooling for all. We will make provisions for all areas of special educational needs to the best of our ability. We endeavour to provide personalised provision for each individual.

How does the school know if pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?

You are welcome to make an appointment to speak to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) to discuss any concerns you may have about your child. The school leaders and teachers look closely at how your child is developing academically (with termly assessments) and your child’s social development and will raise any concerns with parents/carers.

What is the school’s approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?

We are an inclusive school and look at each child as an individual. We aim to integrate children with special educational needs within the mainstream setting as much as possible whilst catering for their individual needs with adjustments to the learning environment and specialist support or provision as required.

How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child’s needs?

We believe in a stimulating and interactive curriculum based around independence and accessing all styles of learning so that our children can develop as rounded individuals. Care will be taken to incorporate any specific strategies for your child into their daily classroom routine if required.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

We endeavour to make activities outside the classroom including school trips open to all students. All necessary health and safety precautions will need to be considered and discussions with parents will take place if there are any concerns.

Who is the school’s special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCo) and what are their contact details?

Mrs Helen Bollands is the SENCo. She can be contacted on the school phone number 0114 2342268. If she is not available, please leave a message with the Office staff and she will get back to you as soon as possible.

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

Specialist Service support can be accessed through the Family of Schools Springboard meeting and by direct referrals depending on the services referral process. Some of the specialist services currently working with children include: Speech and Language, Physical Disability Support, Educational Psychology, Behaviour Support and CAMHS

What are the arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with special educational needs? How will be I involved in the education of my child?

Parents will be invited to termly review meetings about your child where you will be able to discuss the progress of your child and the provision they are receiving.

What are the arrangements for consulting children with SEND and involving them in their education?

Where possible children will have the opportunity to voice their thoughts and feelings about their school environment and their needs. This may be through specially adapted pupil voice questionnaires, social stories or conversations depending on the child. Our school council also has representatives of children with SEND to ensure an inclusive contribution to whole school decision making.

How does the governing body ensure that the school is meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and supporting the families of such pupils?

Close work with organisations and services ensures that both the families and children with special education needs are supported. The governing body evaluates the school’s SEND policy and provision annually. There is an identified SEND Governor (Kelly Daubney) who meets on a termly basis with the SENCo and provides the Governors with a report about provision.

How will the school/setting prepare my child to:

i) Join the school?

Before a child starts at Shooters Grove we encourage the child and family to visit the school. On the visit they will be taken for a tour around the school by a member of staff and see all the key areas and introduce your child to key staff. A pupil form will need to be completed detailing any special educational needs, including medical needs so that provision can be arranged before your child starts. Any additional visits or special arrangements before joining the school can be discussed with the SENCo or Headteacher. Any child starting school at the beginning of a new academic year is offered the opportunity to join the rest of the school on some of the transition days in order to support the process.

ii) Transfer between phases of education (e.g. early years to primary, primary to secondary)?

Care is taken at all phases of transition to make it as seamless and stress free as possible. Extra transition days can be arranged for both phases of transition to ensure that your child is familiar with their new surroundings.

Where can I access further information?

You can access more information about SEN on our website where you will find the full SEN policy, other school policies and links to regional and national information. Further parent/carer information about SEND provision in Sheffield can be found on the Sheffield City Council website here

Our Local Offer

The 'Local Offer' is also published by every Sheffield School and Service on this Local Offer website